Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I have to admit it. I'm cursed.

If you are a hairdresser and I start to really like you and make you my regular hairdresser, then something will happen to you and you will quit hairdressing. Or move to another salon waaayyy across town where I can't find you. And if you become my Dr. you will decide that this whole "general practitioner" gig isn't all it's cracked up to be and you will quit. So be forewarned, it's the curse of ME! I have had this happen to 3 hairdressers and, now, 2 Dr's.

Today I phoned to make an appt. for Ash to see our Dr., a wonderful young-ish Dr. that has delivered all 3 of my kids, only to find out that next week is her last week Dr-ing. I have to apologize to the poor receptionist for not understanding me once I broke down into sobbing tears. I'm rattled by this news, because I love my Dr., I trust her and feel like I can talk to her about anything. Now I'm told that I won't be out a Dr., they will find me a new one but in the meantime I have to see the resident Dr's. I mean I 'm grateful that I will have a Dr., because too many people here in the land of plenty don't have one, it's just that I want my Dr. I want to be able to take my kids in and get a straight answer, or to be able to talk about my medical history and have them have a clue as to what I am talking about. Urgh!!!

So the past few weeks have been trying. I don't know if it's the weather, or the time of year as I seem to get this way every spring, or just the stress of life. But I have been on quite a low and I am having trouble working my way out. Some days I think that I really need to get my butt back to work so that I can feel important again. But then I DO enjoy being home with my kids and I don't want to go back to work, and I know that my job here is important. It just doesn't really feel that way from day to day. The money stress has gotten to me as well, and I'm really hoping that now that Junior is back to work from school things will start to look up again that way. I have started back on a diet, as I have fallen off the wagon terribly since my ankle injury, but have yet to start exercising regularly again, something that is a must so that I can have the body I want. I did go to a yoga class with a girlfriend last night, which was my first and lots of fun. I think we are going to make this a regular thing

I'm hoping that these small things will help me turn things around before they start getting too bad. I mean, those purple pills do work wonders but I'm feeling like I take enough drugs right now, I would hate to have to start taking more.

Potty training was a complete failure. We tried, but had a few too many accidents to keep going. And Harris was starting to refuse to go, not good. So I tried to ease back and have him try on his own, but he is now refusing that. So I guess we will try again in the summer.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Gas..it hurts

Junior told me "It's OK honey, you'll feel better if you eat, really."

I thought I would feel better and everything would be ok.

But OH the pain, the gas it's horrible.

After being sick with this horrid flu for 4 days now I have lost 6 pounds, but tonight I look about 6 months pregnant. I mean, I'm a bit chubby, but not quite that chubby. It's that dinner that I was convinced would make me feel better. If I could have just kept eating toast I think I would be fine right now.

Now I know exactly how Harris felt on Wednesday as we were driving home and he was stuck in that car seat writhing in pain. And now I know how good he felt when we stopped and he was able to squat down in the back seat and rip a loud one and then giggle in glee at the release!

Just a few good rips is all I need and maybe I will be able to wear something other than sweatpants tomorrow.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Pukeapolooza and Potty Training Hell

Oh, how could my days get any more exciting?!

It's been a week of wonderment and excitement, I tell ya.

Or maybe not.

We started out pretty good, had a great Easter Sunday, the kids got way too much candy and we got to visit with both Juniors parents and mine, as well as my sister and her kids came to visit too! Then on Monday morning we got up the kids and I got ready to head up to Edmonton to visit family. We spent the day hanging until we finally got to go to my Mom's for a few hours before bed and then I spent a wonderful night's sleep on a cold air mattress in the living room with the great-big streetlamp shining down on me. Ahhh, bliss. I was awoken suddenly at 5:30am to Ash telling me that Harris puked all over the bed the kids were sharing. A great start to an even greater day. Luckily we were up so early that we had lots of time for a shower and get packed up to go over to my Aunt's house. The girls got to go babysit with her at her church group while Harris and I hung out. After dropping the girls off at the church Harris almost immediately puked up his breakfast all over himself and the car and car seat so I burned rubber back to my Aunt's house to spent the next hour bathing him and cleaning the car seat. He puked again that afternoon while my cousin's kids were over, a nice big juice colored splat on the kitchen floor. Luckily that was it for the puking for him. On Wednesday Harris and I headed home, only to have him writhing in pain in his car seat and us having to stop four times in two hours. His poor little tummy was hard with gas and he just had to fart, and poop, and poop some more. At one point we were both in tears from the stress of it all, but we finally made it home in one piece. Then that night I got to puke up my dinner and yesterday I felt crappy all day long. But I soldiered on, I had made up my mind that we were trying out this potty training business starting Thursday, and that's exactly what we did.

We spent the first 2 and a half hours yesterday waiting for him to decide it was ok to pee on the potty. He finally did just as I was about to give up. Then he peed lots and lots on the potty last night, to much cheering and clapping. This morning he has peed twice on the potty and pooped once on the floor. I guess it's a good start. It's really reminding me why I hate potty training. I wish we could send the kids away to potty training camp and have them come home all trained up.

I'm thinking that this will be a go, he seems to get the whole premise of peeing in the pot instead of on the floor or himself. But I'm not fooling myself into believing that we've got it under control yet, because I know too well that this is a loonnnngggg process that could end up going awry.

My girls come home in a few hours and I'm hoping that they didn't catch the pukey thing and we will have a nice, warm weekend. It's actually supposed to be nice today, maybe we can go to the park or something. What a thought!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

April snow brings May blow....

Nope, that's not it.

OK, enough is enough. I am SO sick and tired of the fucking snow. I mean, come on already! It is April, springtime apparently.

It has not stopped snowing since Sunday, we have a good foot of snow in the front, and at least 3 feet piled-up on the deck out back. I am cold all of the time and it is dreary and grey outside. I've had enough, my poor little fingers can't take being cold anymore, and my brain can't handle the pull of the grey skies. I've been feeling depressed for the past week, and I just couldn't figure out why this was happening. Today I figured it out, it's because we haven't seen the sun in days and instead of gearing-up for warmer weather, we are still wearing winter coats and boots. What happened to global warming? Doesn't that mean it's supposed to get warmer. I'm not getting it.


I've got nothin' else today. Just too cold to type.