Monday, October 23, 2006


So the other night Dawn declares to me that she is going to learn how to hula-hoop, because she wants to be just like her friend who can, not to mention that this friend is much older than her.

She picks up the hoop, spins it furiously around her tiny little waist and attempts to roll her hips to keep it up. No luck.

But she keeps trying. Over and over again.

Finally she gets it, kind of.

It takes the tongue sticking out in just the right spot, her arms thrown up in the air with her little hands twirling along in just the right motion and just a slight twist of the hips. It stays up!

And it may only stay up for just a few rotations but she is victorious!

"Mommy! Mommy! Look! I did it, I did it!!!!"

And the smile on her face and the pride in her eyes is something I wish I was able to capture on film.

Her abs should have been sore today for the amount of time spent twirling, but she's happy and content with her newly acquired skill.

1 comment:

Em said...

That's amazing! I've always wanted to be able to do that.