Saturday, January 06, 2007



Happy Birthday to ME! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

So I'm on the workout and diet bandwagon. Back at it for another happy year. I have been miserable and hungry for the past week but so far so good. I know that things will get better and my body will get used to lower calories, it's not like I am starving myself at 1300-1500 calories per day, but it sure feels like it! So far I have lost a few pounds and my clothes are feeling a bit looser. I've lost the post-Christmas bloat anyhow. Now it's time to get onto losing the actual weight that has been hanging off of me for the past few years. I've got 25 pounds to lose and I CAN do it.

I was running on the treadmill the other day, doing my run/walk thing, and for the last few minutes I was having to chant to myself "I can go the distance!". It's hokey but it worked. I got the run in and felt good. And even today I got my LBWO in as well as my run that I missed yesterday. So I've gotten all weekly workouts in. And I am starving, but it's all good. Right?

Anyhow, things have been going well. The kids are off of school for a few more days, they finally head back on Monday, but we have all enjoyed the break. I haven't gotten to the point where I am totally ready for them to go back, so it's been quite nice. We've kept busy doing this and that. We even made time for a sleepover, Ash went to her friend K's house and Dawn had two of her friend's over, and I got them to bed at a decent time. It was really quite fun! Sometimes I amaze myself.

Tuesday after school is the big meeting between the Doctors from the Diagnostic Clinic, the teachers and us, the parents. I'm hoping that it's a bit more informative than the parent meeting was. I'm starting to feel a bit nervous about it, but really it's silly, it's not like anything is going to change. The school isn't going to suddenly offer any additional services and we won't suddenly have a miracle solution to school for Ash. But I'm nervous just the same.

And one last thing. Last night I got my hair cut. I tried to find a picture but couldn't, and so I explained as best I could at how I wanted my hair cut. Short, but not too short because it spikes, not around my face and really short in the back. I came out with the hairdresser's cut. Long-ish short in front and totally in my face, short in back, but not short enough. She left these awful little pointy sideburns on my face, that I asked to be cut shorter (or off) twice and I had to cut them myself today. I came out of the salon and cried in the car and then raged about how I keep getting the same "Mommy" haircut time and time again. My friend Anna keeps telling me to go to her stylist, but she's in Calgary and I'm not and I don't want to have a hairdresser that is so far away. I'm so tired of getting crappy haircuts, I'm almost at the point of just growing my hair out to spite them. Or maybe I will pay $15 for a cheap haircut at El Cheapo Cut and get a crappy haircut there, because then I won't be pissed that I paid too much money for the same dam haircut. I just don't understand why I can't find myself a nice, competent hairdresser that will do what I ask. I want my Janelle back, why did she have to go and get all allergic to hair! Boo hoo...

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