Sunday, December 03, 2006

Buying in...or selling out?

I'm having a hard time deciding which it is. But whatever it is I am doing it.

I've kneeled down to Disney and kissed their ass, and bought into the Cars movie marketing.

I'm at odds with myself for doing it. I have hated anything princess for quite a while now. It's just so done, I'm over it, really. It's cute to have a little girl saying she wants to be a princess someday, but when it's everything princess, it's just too much. Disney perpetuates the whole Princess thing and it really drives me crazy. I have bought very little in the way of princess paraphanelia and I'm buying less and less as the whole thing goes on. I've even told the girls that next year for Halloween they are going to be something, anything, other than a princess.

But when it comes to Cars, I guess it's just something new and different. And Harris, he LOVES them. We have watched the movie more times than I choose to count and have, I believe, three differnt styles of Lightening McQueen cars, two Maters and one The King, as well as a sheet and duvet cover set. I've now decided to paint Harris's room in a Cars theme.

Oh what have I done?! I know that Junior thinks that I have lost my mind, but he is just going along with it (laughing all the way), he lets me take the reins in most of the decorating (especially the kids rooms). To my defence I did paint Ash's old room is princess pink and purple (I still love the room, it looks like gingham), and did Dawn's room in blue sky and white fluffy clouds. So it's not like I haven't gone out there with painting kids rooms. It's just that I've never went out and bought the decals, bought the sheet sets and shirts to make it all match so well. I think I've lost my mind.

Dam Disney and their savvy marketing team! They got me.

I can't wait to get started! But probably not for another couple of weeks, maybe when my in-laws can take the kids for a few days so I can really get after it.

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