Tuesday, October 03, 2006

2? How can that BE?!

Harris turns two tomorrow and I'm not too sure how that has come to be. He was just a smiling babe in my arms only days ago, right? There are so many things that I love about him, I just need to jot them down.

You see, my sweet boy wasn't planned, he was our wonderful suprise. I was happy with my two girls, with my job, with my life. Suprise! Everything changes.

He came into this world happy and content. He really wasn't a super fussy baby, just a Mama's boy (much to Daddy's dismay). He has changed so much about my world, and I can honestly say, they are all good. I feel like I am a better parent, I have learned to have more patience, and I have learned to let go and enjoy having him be a kid. With the girls I was so busy wanting to see the next step, wanting to get out of the baby stage, and with him I am learning to enjoy. Although I can't say I enjoy the diaper part! Ugh.

Mr. Harris is a red-haired, blue-eyed devil. He is mischevious and inquisitive. I feel so bad for him because he just doesn't have the words to express himself yet, he is struggling so hard to say so much. He has the typical boy obsession of cars, or "Trucks!" as he says (he refuses to say car). He is going to be a pit crew guy for Lightening McQueen for haloween this year, and is very excited about his costume. He has a Mater and a Lt. McQ. toys and we are constantly hearing "ma-er!! it'nin i'keen!!" being chanted throughout the house. He seems to share a love of animals with his sister, Dawn, and torments our two cats on a constant basis. You would think they would learn by now!

I have not experienced the need for consistency in the same way with my other two that I have with him. When we put him down to bed he insists on having his special knit blanket with "duck-duck" at his side (and it must be tucked in) and then another fuzzy blanket with dogs on the front of it thrown on top. He then gives us kisses and hugs and says "uv-ou!" (love you!) and "nigh-night!" before letting us go. And he will throw a major pout if the girls head off to school without giving him proper kisses and hugs before leaving. What a kid.

I can't wait to see him grow and see what kind of kid he turns out to be, to hear what kind of ideas are inside his head. But for right now I'm just enjoying the innocence of his childhood. And loving the fact that he comes running to me for hugs and cuddles when the big scary fish chases after poor Flounder on The Little Mermaid. It doesn't get any better than that.

Uv-ou baby! Happy Birthday!

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