I have always been one to think that hair's hair, it really doesn't matter if you chop it off, it will always grow back. So I've always felt little guilt over whatever I do to my hair, maybe this is because I don't look too bad with either short or long hair.
(This was about 6 months before I cut it off for the first time)
I remember the first time I cut my hair short, I was in elementary school and my Dad came to visit for the weekend. I told him I wanted to cut it off so he took me down to the salon and got it all cut off for me. I remember sitting in the living room when my Mom and sister came home and surprising them with it. It felt so good, so freeing. I also remember that my Mom was pissed with my Dad over it. (They were fairly freshly divorced so I'm sure it didn't go over well.)
(the Do Rag)

I remember the first time I cut my hair short, I was in elementary school and my Dad came to visit for the weekend. I told him I wanted to cut it off so he took me down to the salon and got it all cut off for me. I remember sitting in the living room when my Mom and sister came home and surprising them with it. It felt so good, so freeing. I also remember that my Mom was pissed with my Dad over it. (They were fairly freshly divorced so I'm sure it didn't go over well.)
I kept is short through middle school, a nice spikey brush cut for my rebellious early teens. I felt like such a rebel, until at a school dance in grade 8 a girl asked me to dance with her thinking that I was a boy. It was after that I decided to start growing it out again. I had it long-long until after I graduated.
I was known for my beautiful long hair in high school, I was the envy of a lot of girls. But it was heavy and annoying so once I started life in the "real world" I hacked it off again. Since I've been an adult I have gone through phases of growing and cutting without any major plan. When Ash was a baby I finally found a hairdresser that did a really nice job of cutting my hair. I could go into her and say "I don't know what I want, make it look good" and she would do just that, and I would love the result.
Then shortly after I had Harris she was forced to quit cutting hair because of allergies and I have yet to find another hairdresser. This has happened to me twice before, I've found a great hairdresser and then something happens and they quit or move and I'm lost again with bad haircuts. I've gone to countless people and always left feeling like I wasted the money. My friend Anna tells me to go to her hairdresser, but I worry that it will be another waste of money and time. Especially after my last haircut, she was a nice lady who had years and years of experience, but seemed to only want to give me her identical haircut, right down to the matching sideburns (I hate those things!), I left the salon in tears and decided that I'm growing it out again. I'm done with hairdressers and shitty haircuts.
So now I'm back to wearing the "do rag" and waiting it out until it looks good long-ish again. I figure that if I'm going to look like shit then I might as well not be paying for it!
And through this I have discovered that I'm not so OK with just doing whatever with my hair, I now have issues. Don't I have enough of those already!?
Gosh girl, have you read my blog, we seem to have similar problems.
My story with hair is similar to yours. I used to grow, cut it, do whatever.
I've got a good hairdresser (I think) but my hair is just plain simple crap, nothing seems to work. Other than frizz that is.
Here's to both of us finding a style that works and we are happy with.
You have gorgeous hair! I hope you find a new hairdresser that you like - I recently found one and it is so nice to have (for almost the first time ever) someone that I like and trust!
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