I've been feeling quiet. Feeling like I have nothing to say. Things have been busy, and cold. Really, nothing much out of the normal, nothing other than the sheer, utter-madness cold. Stupid cold as I like to call it.
This past weekend we celebrated Dawn's 5th birthday. I am finding it hard to belive she is 5, while she is finding it hard to believe that she is ONLY 5. It's a birthday she has been waiting for for almost a year now.
We woke-up on Sunday to our usual Sunday ritual. Junior started the hash browns and bacon while I whipped up a batch of pancakes (for him to cook-up). While making breakfast Junior suggested we let Dawn open her birthday gifts, instead of torturing her until after breakfast, so we let her have at it. It was a "Littlest Pet Shop" themed birthday and she got everything she wanted. We then spent the next half-hour taking turns setting-up the big play house we got her while the other made breakfast. But in the end it was a good choice, both the gifts and the timing. The kids played for hours with the new toys, and I have to say they are the cutest things ever! Once we cleaned-up from breakfast I started decorating the cake, which turned out perfect! Then we had time to relax a bit before the party madness ensued. We had the party with 11 of her closest friends, a bowling party, and she was SO very, very happy. This is the party she has been longing for, her big sister had one and she was so jealous that she had to wait until she was 5 for one, but finally her day has come.
The party guests were all fairly well behaved, as much as they can be for a group of 5-6 year old girls (and 3 boys). Thank goodness for a few friends that stayed and the parents that didn't want to leave their kids behind. Dawn had invited her two BFF's from preschool, that she hasn't seen in a few months (bad Mommy) and was able to bowl with them, along with some new friends from kindergarden and Sparks. She got a ton of new toys (yay) that she is totally thrilled about, and even better! She turned 5! (Oh did I mention that already?) Next step-teenager, because being a teenager is the cats ass, apparently.

Tomorrow night is parent-teacher interviews. And from the looks of Dawn's report card we really have nothing to chat about. How nice. She is kind and courteous in class, pays attention and gets her work done. What more can I ask for? I am convinced that she is going to be starting to read by the end of Kindergarden, and I can't wait!
Way to go sweetie!
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