Today, I ran. YAY!!
It has been far too long, like by 6 weeks. I had to run for 5 minutes and walk for 3, but I did a whole 35 minutes, almost 5K, and I didn't die. Yay me! Then I came home and skipped doing arms with Junior, he seemed to not want me to work out with him tonight. I guess I'll do weights tomorrow, another thing that has been too long.
I really needed the run today, Ash was quite a pill and I needed to work it out. She's been so over the top these days, spazzing out when I'm dropping Dawn off at school, not allowing me to talk to her teacher alone. And then there's the paranoia setting in, worried that everyone is making fun of her.
You see, Miss. Ash has a learning disability, not yet fully identified. We think it's a Non-verbal learning disorder, but things are still a little wonky. We are waiting for a littany of tests to happen the first week of December, and then we have an "official" diagnosis. With that then the school is forced to give her some help, whatever that means. Anyhow, things seem to be a bit worse for her this year socially, and I'm starting to worry. I mean, she struggles to read, comprehend math and print, but the social sutff she has been ackward with but never quite this "weird", for lack of a better term. My mind is thinking of the other possibilities that this could be, like Aspergers, or some form of Autism, man I wish that this testing wasn't a whole two months away. Maybe the social deficits from the NVLD are just starting to fully kick in and be more clear. I'm just worried that she's going to scare other kids away with her over-the-top behavior, and then it's going to be really hard to win people back.
She is the swee
test girl. Kind, caring, loving and extremely loyal. She has a soft heart, which often means she melts down into tears, but usually at home when she's not in front of others. She wants to please everyone, but just doesn't understand how. The only toys Ash has ever taken any interest in have been babies, and she will carry them around and play Mommy and Daddy with Dawn. She isn't really interested in any of the small type toys like Barbie or the newest crazy, Littlest Pet Shop, they seem to be beyond her range. She likes to re-play the scenes over and over again, and really doesn't enjoy variation in her play. The funny thing is she really wants to like those kind of toys, but she just doesn't get how to play with them. Even the digital video-game type toys can't hold her interest, she usually "kills" a tamagotchi pet within two days because she forgets to do whatever to it, even if it's constantly around her neck.
I hurt for her. I want everything to be "normal" but it just isn't going to happen. This is going to be another tough school year, no matter what kind of testing happens. And I just have to get used to it. I guess I just need to get better at avoiding analyzing it on a regular basis, then it doesn't hurt so much.
Ugh. THIS is why I need to run. Well, that and the avoiding the plus size rack...
It has been far too long, like by 6 weeks. I had to run for 5 minutes and walk for 3, but I did a whole 35 minutes, almost 5K, and I didn't die. Yay me! Then I came home and skipped doing arms with Junior, he seemed to not want me to work out with him tonight. I guess I'll do weights tomorrow, another thing that has been too long.
I really needed the run today, Ash was quite a pill and I needed to work it out. She's been so over the top these days, spazzing out when I'm dropping Dawn off at school, not allowing me to talk to her teacher alone. And then there's the paranoia setting in, worried that everyone is making fun of her.
You see, Miss. Ash has a learning disability, not yet fully identified. We think it's a Non-verbal learning disorder, but things are still a little wonky. We are waiting for a littany of tests to happen the first week of December, and then we have an "official" diagnosis. With that then the school is forced to give her some help, whatever that means. Anyhow, things seem to be a bit worse for her this year socially, and I'm starting to worry. I mean, she struggles to read, comprehend math and print, but the social sutff she has been ackward with but never quite this "weird", for lack of a better term. My mind is thinking of the other possibilities that this could be, like Aspergers, or some form of Autism, man I wish that this testing wasn't a whole two months away. Maybe the social deficits from the NVLD are just starting to fully kick in and be more clear. I'm just worried that she's going to scare other kids away with her over-the-top behavior, and then it's going to be really hard to win people back.
She is the swee

I hurt for her. I want everything to be "normal" but it just isn't going to happen. This is going to be another tough school year, no matter what kind of testing happens. And I just have to get used to it. I guess I just need to get better at avoiding analyzing it on a regular basis, then it doesn't hurt so much.
Ugh. THIS is why I need to run. Well, that and the avoiding the plus size rack...
1 comment:
I don't know what to say except, "I understand". I hope you get some answers soon and that Ash gets the help she deserves.
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